Leadership Growth:
The most exciting thing about our opportunity is the ability to build a business of your own. We’ve specifically engineered our compensation plan to appeal to those with an entrepreneurial mindset. We don’t believe you’ll find a more aggressive and simple pathway to achieving your financial goals, no matter how lofty they may be.
We facilitate this growth through our membership in the Family Heritage Leadership Academy (FHLA). FHLA is an invite-only quarterly leadership training at the GlobeLife corporate office in McKinney, TX. Each level builds on the levels preceding it and is a proven way to supercharge your business growth. Click here for details on the course content.

Sales Professional: The Sales Professional’s role is to engage in personal sales. As their skills improve and they desire to progress their career, they will have the opportunity to field train new Sales Professionals as the introductory step toward agency building, or make the choice to become a Career Sales Professional.
- Primary Responsibility: Personal Sales
- Secondary Responsibility: Personal Recruiting
Qualification: Alignment with our Core Values and a commitment to contribute
- Personal Sales contract of 30% first-year commission and 2% lifetime renewals
- Your Personal Sales contract will go up over time based on your lifetime premium
- Recruiting bonus of $500 for each qualified agent you refer to our agency
- Training bonus of $500 for every week you spend training new agents
Promotion 1 – Field Director: The Field Director position is vital to the success of the Agency. The role is two-fold, personal sales and the initial field training of new Sales Professionals. A Field Director must engage in consistent and duplicable selling techniques and work habits that build upon the training a new Sales Professional received in Sales Academy. A developing Field Director will, through personal recruiting, build submitting agents to progress into the Market Director position.
- Primary Responsibility: Personal Sales & Field Training
- Secondary Responsibility: Personal Recruiting
Field Director Qualification: Train 1 new agent to Quick Start and have 14 Submits in a Quarter
- Personal Sales first-year commission increases to 35%
- Recruiting bonus of $500 for each qualified agent you refer to our agency
- Training bonus of $500 for every week you spend training new agents
- Earn a 5% first-year override on the agents you train
- Overrides continue until your trainee “catches you” on the Career Track
- NOTE: Each week you or one of your agents submits business is a “SUBMIT“. There are 13 weeks in a Quarter, so if you personally submit business every week, that counts for 13 Submits. When you train a new agent, every week they submit business counts as a Submit for your team. You earn this promotion with a minimum of 14 Submits in a quarter.
Senior Field Director Qualification: Train 5 new agents to Quick Start
- Personal Sales first-year commission increases to 40%
- Recruiting bonus of $500 for each qualified agent you refer to our agency
- Training bonus of $500 for every week you spend training new agents
- Earn a 10% first-year override on the agents you train
- Overrides continue until your trainee “catches you” on the Career Track
Promotion 2 – Market Director: The Market Director position is the first phase of building and developing a team. The activities will evolve as the size of the team increases, but their core activities resemble that of a Regional Director with a heavier emphasis on selling, field training and recruiting. A growing Market Director is essential to the success of a local office.
- Primary Responsibility: Personal Sales, Field Training, Professional Recruiting
- Secondary Responsibility: Supervise & Develop Agents, Personal Recruiting
Qualification: Team production of $100,000, 40 Submits, and 2 Direct Recruits in a Production Quarter
- Torchmark (TMK) stock bonus of $1,500 every quarter
- Management contract of 45% first-year and 3% renewal on your Agency
- This is separate from your Personal Sales contract
- All Team Leader, Field Director, and Market Director overrides are paid out of your override contract
- If you hire a Sales Professional with no one else in the hierarchy, you earn the margin between their sales contract and your management contract = 15% first-year override and 1% renewal override
- If there are Field Directors in your Agent’s hierarchy, those overrides are paid from that margin
- If one of your Field Directors is promoted to Market Director before you get promoted to Regional Director, you will not receive further overrides on their group until you achieve Regional Director.
- $500/month matching investment from Gridiron for recruiting + office expenses
- 33% cost-sharing on all Gridiron incentives earned in your organization
- NOTE: Promotion is achieved and reviewed on a quarterly basis; one-quarter grace period to maintain
Promotion 3 – Regional Director: The Regional Director is the key person to an Agency Owner in helping drive and execute business targets. Consistent recruiting to the local office, leadership development, training, office staff management, and consistent growth are core responsibilities. A successful Regional Director building through the Agency Building Model is the best candidate for consideration as a future Agency Owner.
- Primary Responsiblity: Professional Recruiting, Supervise & Develop Agents, Run Local Agency Office
- Secondary Responsibility: Field Training, Personal Recruiting, Agency Development & Expansion
Qualification: Team production of $250,000, 100 Submits, and 3 Direct Recruits in a Production Quarter
- Torchmark (TMK) stock bonus of $3,000 every quarter
- Team override contract of 50% first-year and 4% renewal
- This is separate from your Personal Sales contract
- All Field Director, and Market Director overrides are paid out of your override contract
- Qualify to open a physical office of your own to support your agency growth
- $1000/month matching investment from Gridiron for recruiting + office expenses
- 66% cost-sharing on all Gridiron incentives earned in your organization
- If a Market Director is in the hierarchy, that 66% will be shared 50/50 between the Regional and Market directors on that business unit
- NOTE: Promotion is achieved and reviewed on a quarterly basis; one-quarter grace period to maintain
Promotion 4 – Agency Ownership
- Primary Responsibility: Agency Development & Expansion, Supervise & Develop Agents, Professional Recruiting
- Secondary Responsibility: Personal Recruiting, Run Local Agency Office, Field Training as needed
Qualification: Agency production of $1,500,000 NAP, 600 Submits, and 48 Agency Recruits in a Calendar Year
- Achieving these benchmarks will candidate you to join our group of Agency Owners as a full partner
- Participate in exclusive training and mentoring from Agency Owner body and the National Sales Staff of Family Heritage Life
- Grow your agency as you see fit with no limits in size or geography
- NOTE: Production consistency + AO and FHL approval required