Customer FAQ

Please contact your representative with Gridiron or the carriers customer service to help answer any additional questions.

QUESTION: How do you submit an Early Detection Benefit?

***Please note that claims can be accepted through carriers website or by mailed or faxed directly to their Claims Department.

ANSWER: In order to submit for the Early Detection Benefit, a claim form is not necessary. All you need to submit is a copy of your bill with your name and the procedure listed, as well as the date the procedure was performed.

Be sure to include your policy number or certificate number on any correspondence and send to:

Family Heritage Life Insurance
Attn: Claims Department
P.O. Box 470608
Cleveland, OH 44147 

Or fax it to: 440-922-5152

QUESTION: What do I need to do to change my bank information?

ANSWER: In order to have the premiums paid from a new bank account, please provide us with the name, address and routing number for the new bank and the account number. The bank’s routing number and your account number can be found at the bottom left corner of your checks.

The above change can be made by contacting our Customer Service department at (440) 922-5222 or by mailing your request to:

Family Heritage Life Insurance
P.O. Box 470608
Attn: Customer Service
Cleveland, OH 44147

QUESTION: Do I need to contact the company in order to decrease my level of coverage or to remove a family member from my coverage, such as when my children no longer qualify for coverage under the policy?

ANSWER: Yes, it is important that you keep us informed of changes in your family status since these changes may affect your premium. To make a change, please send us a letter indicating the changes you are requesting.

The request can be made by faxing your request to (440) 922-5223 or by mailing your request to:

Family Heritage Life Insurance
Attn: Customer Service
P.O. Box 470608
Cleveland, OH 44147

QUESTION: What do I need in order to increase my level of coverage or to add additional family members to my plan?

ANSWER: In order to increase coverage, all persons to be covered will need to pass our underwriting questions. Please contact our Customer Service department at (440) 922-5222 and we will send out the necessary forms to be completed.

QUESTION: How do I contact my agent and or find an agent in my area?

ANSWER: Please contact our Customer Service department and they will locate an agent closest to you.

Phone Number:

512 300 0005


8705 Shoal Creek #200

Austin, Texas 78757
